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Please run automatic web translators there are many like Google and others.

French language  of this web-site is sometime very particular,  with french  humour , and some (very) special slang words ,
so automatic traductor often becomes crazy (very), may be wrong... Sorry.
Friendly froggy guy,  Guy

For exemple:  page   FSX2  downloads    you can read:

Ici c'est une version V2  plus élaborée et avec les 3 autres Altiports de nos Alpes" Ce ne sont pas des altisurfaces (bush terrain) mais des ALTIPORTS,
avec des pistes en pente et en dur,
et sans projection de terre au roulage , tout comme pour une piste horizontale.
Faites avec des meshs lissés à la main, et rendus durs.

Avec les scènes ci-dessous  je me pose  SUR  du  DUR dur,  c'est ma façon de faire.
Les galbes des pentes sont les mêmes que ceux des vraies pistes (arrondis, pentes à différents %  , replats,)""

 Automatic traductor  says :

ICi it is a V2 version  more worked out and with the 3 other High altitude airports of our Alps.They are not altisurfaces (bush ground) but of the HIGH ALTITUDE AIRPORTS,  with inclined tracks and hard, and ground projection to rolling, just like horizontal track.
Make with meshs smoothed with the hand, and made hard.

With the scenes below  I am posed  ON    the HARD hard one,  it is my way of making.
The contours of the slopes are the same ones as those of the true tracks (rounded, slopes to various %  , projecting ledges)


Right traduction is :

This version (V2) is more elaborate, and with other three altiports of our alps. These are not altisurfaces (bush terrain) but altiports,
with slopy and hardened runways, without earth projections while taxying, just like on horizontal runways.
"Hand" smoothed and hardened mesh.

With the scenes below, I land on really hard surface, it is my way of doing this.
The shape of the slopes are the same as the real slopes (profiles, segments of  different slopes, flat segments, aso...).

Many Thanks  to my Friend Jacky Brouze for right translation, 

another test:  :  " et sans projection de terre au roulage"

Automatatic traductor says : "and ground projection to rolling"

 Right traduction IS  :    "without earth projections while taxying"

So be carefull  when reading

Many thanks


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